Friday, January 15, 2010

December 2009, Good for some Industries but not for the Apparel Industry

What does the apparel industry need to come back to the game? There is not a secret that we are going through difficult times. The New York Times published a review from 2009 December sales. Some sectors like electronics and jewelry were able to raise their sales compared with the period a year earlier. Sales of electronics rose 7.3 percent and jewelry increased 6.9 percent while sales of clothing declined 1.8 percent.Should we keep inventories down and take the 1.8 percent down as the new market pattern? Or should we do something?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Global Markets

Think outside of the box and become global. Keep in mind that creativity is not enough when expanding brands into new markets. In an article published by The New York Times in January 1, 2010, the importance of understanding global markets in the apparel industry is highlighted. The Japanese fashion is highly admired and copied by western countries, but the lack of experience bringing brands to foreign markets has become a limitation when growing business globally.
